F-4 : Green Processing of Nanomaterials for a Sustainable Society


・ Dr. Takaaki Taniguchi NIMS
・ Prof. Chun-Yi Chen Institute of Science Tokyo [email protected]
・ Prof. Naonori Sakamoto Shizuoka University
・ Prof. Kazuto Hatakeyama Kumamoto University
・ Prof. Kenji Okada Osaka Metropolitan University
・ Prof. Eisuke Yamamoto Nagoya University
・ Dr. Asako Taniguchi AIST
・ Prof. Jeongsoo Hong Gachon University


The need for development of materials science for a sustainable society is growing rapidly. In addition to elemental strategies focusing on the effective use of rare elements and their substitution for ubiquitous materials, new strategic goals have been proposed on the topic of materials circulation. To meet these new demands, it is essential to establish a common understanding in the materials science community of what materials should be circulated and how. As one of the technological elements, the development of green processing oriented towards low environmental impact and energy saving will be further demanded in the future. The purpose of this session is to provide a platform for the accumulation of domestic and international knowledge and technologies related to green processing for a wide range of nanomaterials, including metallic, inorganic, and organic materials, and for the establishment of new scientific principles in materials science.


1. Advanced solution processes for functional nanomaterials
2. Advanced nanomaterials produced by solid state and vacuum processes with lowered environmental load
3. Development of material circulation processes related to nanomaterials
4. Effective utilization of waste materials to produce nanomaterials
5. Development of ubiquitous nanomaterials with high functionality