


Information on Suspending of “Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan”

Thank you for supporting the “Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan”.

Since its launch in 1990,  “Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan”  has been providing the latest information on materials science and technology as a periodical original journal of MRS-J.
After much deliberation and discussion, we have decided to suspend the publication after the resolution at the General Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting held in June this year.
We would like to thank all the readers, contributors, reviewers, and interested parties for their numerous supports and encouragements over the years.

Alternative services to TMRS-J for MRS-J members are under consideration.  We will inform it you soon later.
Please note that articles on J-Stage will be accessible after TMRS-J is suspended.

We would like to express our deep appreciation for your kind understanding.

March 22nd,2021
President of MRS-J Hideo Hosono
Editor in Chief of TMRS-J Tomoaki Watanabe


J-stage is a support system to promote the publication of electronic journals dealing with science technologies information in Japan. This system was developed by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), an independent administrative agency. JST provides the hardware and software necessary for the issue of electronic journals and is operating the system on the 24-hour basis without holiday.

J-stage keeps electronized papers accessible from any part of the world. For further details, click the logo below and visit the J-stage homepage.

Back Issues

【 2011-Vol.37(2012)No.2 】

20th Special Issue

Vol.33 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,7-9, 2007