
About MRS-J



The International Union of Materials Research Societies was established in 1991 as an international association of technical groups or societies which have an interest in promoting interdisciplinary materials research.

2023 18th: Singapore/MRS-S
26-30 June 2023
18th: Hong Kong/C-MRS
dates to be confirmed
24th: Kyoto/MRS-J
11-16 December 2023
2nd: Hong Kong/C-MRS
Together with ICEM
2022 17th: Cancun/M-MRS
14-19 August 2022
23rd: IIT Jodhpur/MRS-I
19-23 December 2022
6th: Fukuoka/MRS-J
3-6 August 2022
1st: Virtual/Asian RO
27 – 31 May 2022
2021 17th: Virtual/B-MRS 22nd: Jeju-hybrid/MRS-K
21st: Chiang Mai/MRS-Th
2020 5th: Poland/E-MRS
2019 16th: Nice/E-MRS 20th: Perth/A-MRS
2018 16th: Daejeon/MRS-K 19th: Bali/MRS-Ina 4th: Adelaide/A-MRS
2017 15th: Kyoto/MRS-J 18th: Taipei/MRS-T
2016 15th: Singapore/MRS-S 17th: Qingdao/C-MRS 3rd: Bangalore/MRS-I
2015 14th: Jeju/MRS-K 16th: Singapore/MRS-S
2014 14th: Taipei/MRS-T 15th: Fukuoka/MRS-J 2nd: Haikou/C-MRS
2013 13th: Qingdao/C-MRS 14th: Bangapore/MRS-I
2012 13th: Yokohama/MRS-J 13th: Busan/MRS-K 1st: Singapore/MRS-S
2011 12th: Nice/E-MRS 12th: Taipei/MRS-T
2010 12th: Seoul/MRS-K 11th: Qingdao/C-MRS
2009 11th: Rio/B-MRS 10th: Singapore/MRS-S
2008 11th: Sydney/A-MRS 9th: Nagoya/MRS-J
2007 10th: Bangalore/MRS-I
2006 10th: Nice/E-MRS 8th: Jeju/MRS-K
2005 9th: Singapore/MRS-S
2004 9th: San Francisco/MRS 7th: Hsinchu/MRS-T
2003 8th: Yokohama/MRS-J MRS-S
2002 8th: Xi’an/C-MRS
2001 7th: Cancun/MRS-M
2000 7th: Strasbourg/E-MRS 6th: Hong Kong/C-MRS
1999 6th: Beijing/C-MRS
1998 6th: Jeju/MRS-K 5th: Bangalore/MRS-I
1997 5th: Strasbourg/E-MRS 4th: Makuhari/MRS-J
1996 5th: MRS
1995 4th: Tokyo/MRS-J 3rd: MRS-K
1994 4th: MRS-T 2nd: MRS-T
1993 3rd: Tokyo/MRS-J 1st: C-MRS
1992 3rd: E-MRS
1991 2nd: E-MRS
1990 2nd: MRS
1988 1st: Tokyo/MRS-J 1st: MRS-J