
About MRS-J


History of MRS-J

Mar. 1985
Prof .R.P.H.Chang visited Japan and proposed MRS International Meeting on Advanced Materials in Japan, as well as foundation of MRS-Japan and MRS-Asia.
May-Jun. 1988
Holding MRS International Meeting on Advanced Materials at Ikebukuro Sunshine City.
Oct. 1988
Actions of the purport explanation calling for participation and collaboration, to intend foundation of an interdisciplinary research society,
Mar. 1989
Foundation of AMSES = Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Society.
Holding the Memorial Symposium at Shinjuku-Keio Plaza Hotel.
Nov. 1989
Participaton in IMRC (International Materials Research Committee).
Oct. 1990
Renaming to MRS-J = Materials Research Society of Japan.
Nov. 1990
Participation as a founding member in IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies), as reorganized from IMRC.
AUg.-Sept. 1993
Holding IUMRS-ICAM-93, Sunshine City, Ikebukuro, Japan.
Jul. 1999
The 10th Anniversary Symposium,Tokyo
Oct. 2003
Holding IUMRS - ICAM2003,Yokohama
Dec. 2009
Holding IUMRS - ICA2009,Nagoya
Dec. 2009
The 20th Anniversary Symposium, Yokohama
Spt. 2012
Holding IUMRS - ICEM2012,Yokohama
Apr. 2013
Reorganize to an incorporated association
Aug. 2014
Holding IUMRS - ICA2014,Fukuoka
Aug. 2017
Holding IUMRS - ICAM2017, Kyoto
Dec. 2019
The 30th Anniversary Meeting, Yokohama
Materials Research Meeting 2019(​MRM2019), Yokohama
Dec. 2021
Materials Research Meeting 2021(​MRM2021), Yokohama
Dec. 2022
Holding IUMRS - ICYRAM 2022, Fukuoka
International Union of Materials ResearchSocieties
(IUMRS founded in November 1990) participating members(10)
MRS(USA), Australian MRS, Chinese MRS, European MRS, MRS of India、MRS of Japan,
MRS of Korea, Mexican MRS, MRS of Taiwan,MRS of Russia,MRS of Argentina