
How to join

How to join MRS-J

How to join The Materials Research Society of Japan

The Materials Research Soceiety of Japan (MRS-J) is an academic society which aims at promoting academic, engineering research and application of advanced materials via interdisciplinary exchanges among materials scientists and engineers. The MRS-J is one of the founding members of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS). In cooperation with domestic and foreign allied organizations, the MRS-J has held symposia and international meetings and has also issued newsletters (Bulletin) and Journals. The membership is open to all the people. The MRS-J is waiting for you to join us.

Privileges with Membership

Free Charge for:

  • Subscription of the MRS-J newsletter (quarterly issued).
  • Article submission to the MRS-J newsletter (quarterly issued)
  • Subscription of the Journal "Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan"except for student members. (quarterly issued).
    *Overseas members are requested to pay airmail postage in addition.
  • Registration for MRS-J annual symposium (Corporation Members only).
    *The number of free registration is limited.
  • Invitation ticket for Banquet on MRS-J annual symposium (Corporation Members only).
    *The number of free invitation is limited.

Discount for:

  • Registration of MRS-J annual symposium and meetings.
  • Subsctiption of the Proceedings.
    *For the time being, the subscription fee is actually free, since the proceedings of the annual symposium are published as volumes of the Journal (Transactions of the MRS-J).

Rates of membership due

Regular member 8,000 yen/year
Student member 4,000 yen/year
Corporation member (per corporation) 100,000 yen/year
Overseas member (for nations of OECD members) 7,000 yen/year
Overseas member (for other nations) 4,000 yen/year

Fiscal Year of the Membership:
From April 1st to March 31st of the following year.


Information of Bank Account is specified on the invoice from the secretariat.

Secretariat of MRS-Japan
Yokohama Excellent Ⅲ Bldg. 4F D1 3-35 Minaminakadori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0006 Japan
[email protected]