
How to join

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The Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J) is an academic society which aims at promoting academic, engineering research and application of advanced materials via interdisciplinary exchanges among materials scientists and engineers. The MRS-J quarterly publishes the MRS-J News Letters (bulletin: 8-12 pages) and Transactions of the MRS-Japan (regular journal). The MRS-J News Letters provides universities, national institutes and industries with the state-of-the art topics of materials science and technology (circulation: about 1000). The Transactions of MRS-Japan are the regular journals and quality research papers are widely distributed to the materials scientists and engineers (circulation: about 200 + 800CD).

Your commercial messages on the publications will be effective to promote your visibility and advertisements.

1) Advertisement Space: One page or half page.
2) Fee:
News Letter
  Regular Fee Discount for Corporate members
Single issue 120,000 yen for 1page 84,000 yen for 1page
70,000 yen for 0.5page 49,000 yen for 0.5page
All year
(four issue)
350,000 yen for 1page 245,000 yen for 1page
200,000 yen for 0.5page 140,000 yen for 1page
Transactions of
  Regular Fee Discount for Corporate members
Single issue 55,000 yen for 1page 38,500 yen for 1page
32,000 yen for 0.5page 22,400yen for 0.5page
All year
(four issue)
160,000 yen for 1page 112,000 yen for 1page
100,000 yen for 0.5page 70,000 yen for 0.5page
3) Deadline: One month ahead of each publication.
4) Application:
· Fill in the application form attached. The English version can be used if necessary.
· Submit the application form on the e-mail to Mr. Masahide Shimizu, Tokyo Certech Bridge, Co. Ltd

e-mail: shimizu.m@w8.dion.ne.jp, Fax/Phone : 03-3338-4362

5) Remittance:
Information of Bank Account will be notified on the invoice from the secretariat.
Attachment Size
4_Advertizement_form.doc 54 KB