All presentations in IUMRS-ICEM 2012 are eligible to submit papers in Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan as regular papers or review papers. Publication fee for a standard-length paper up to 4 pages is 25,000yen. For invited talk, publication fee for a standard-length paper up to 6 pages is 25,000yen. For both cases, 10,000yen would be added for each additional page. For more details, please visit for English or for Japanese.
Dead line for submission of the paper is tentatively scheduled to February 28, 2013. However, the dead line would be different from one symposium to another. Please contact the organizer of your symposium. Submitted manuscript will be peer-reviewed.
Paper may be submitted at User ID and password are different from those you use to register your presentation at IUMRS-ICEM 2012. If you have used this manuscript handling site before, you may use the same user ID and password. If this is the first time to use this site, please follow the instruction in this site.