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Publication charge

Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan


Update of page charges of Transactions of the Material Research Society of Japan

New Publication Charge Structure

Publication charge structure of Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan will be updated in order to be optimized for web-based publication. Basic publication charges are reduced.
The following publication charge structure will be applied to papers submitted on and after July 1, 2018.

Merits of the new structure

Basic publication charges are reduced. Reprints and the printed issue are optional.
Charges for extra pages are reduced. Publication charges are reasonable even if the paper is rather long.
Papers of the journal are open access after 6 months from publication. Immediate open access can be chosen optionally at low cost.
Consumption tax is excluded to be ready for tax rate change. (Papers submitted from outside Japan are exempt from the consumption tax. See below.)

Consumption Tax

The listed charges do not include Japan Consumption tax. For papers submitted from inside Japan, consumption tax rate of the publication day will be applied. Papers submitted from outside Japan are exempt from the consumption tax.

PDF file

The publication charge includes the PDF file of the paper. The printed issue and the reprints are optional.

Reprints and Printed Issues (optional)

Reprints and Printed Issues are optional. Please see below for details.

Review Papers

Basic publication charge of review papers requested by the editors is free but optional charges have to be paid by the author(s).

Publication Charges for IUMRS Conference Participants

Table 1 Papers on the related topic by the author who made a presentation at IUMRS Conferences.
IUMRS Conferences held in Japan after 2018. (JPY, tax not included). These charges are applied for submission within 1 year from the conference. After 1 year, regular charges are applied.

No. of pages* 1-4 5 6 7 8
charge ¥22,000 ¥26,000 ¥30,000 ¥34,000 ¥38,000

Over 8 pages: 2,000 JPY/ Extra Page (tax not included) will be added.

Publication Charges for MRS-J Annual Meeting Participants

Table 2.Papers on the related topic by the author who made a presentation at MRS-J Annual Meetings in and after 2018. (JPY, tax not included) These charges are applied for submission within 1 year from the meeting. After 1 year, regular charges are applied.

No. of pages 1-4 5 6 7 8
Member** ¥30,000 ¥34,000 ¥38,000 ¥42,000 ¥46,000
Non-member ¥40,000 ¥44,000 ¥48,000 ¥52,000 ¥56,000
Invited/ Awardee** 5,000 JPY discounted

Over 8 pages: 2,000 JPY/ Extra Page (tax not included) will be added.
** If at least one MRS-J member is included in the author list, the “Member” charge will be applied. Otherwise, ”Non-member” charges will be applied.
**Paper by Plenary/Keynote/Invited speakers and awardee.

Publication Charges for regular papers

Table 3.  Publication Charge for regular papers (JPY, tax not included)

No. of pages 1-4 5 6 7 8
Member** ¥35,000 ¥39,000 ¥43,000 ¥47,000 ¥51,000
Non-member ¥45,000 ¥49,000 ¥53,000 ¥57,000 ¥61,000

Over 8 pages: 2,000 JPY/ Extra Page (tax not included) will be added.
* If at least one MRS-J member is included in the author list, the “Member” charge will be applied. Otherwise, ”Non-member” charge will be applied.

Immediate Open Access Surcharge (optional)

TMRSJ papers are MRS-J member and subscribers for 6 months after online publication day. After this term the papers will be open access. If the author pays open access charge, the paper will be open access without this term.
Open Access Charge: 30,000 JPS/Paper (tax not included)

Color Pages

Electronic publications are based on color- online. Printed issues are published in black and white.

Reprint Charge (optional)

Reprints can be purchased. Please fill in the Publication Charge Form.

Table 4.Reprint Charge (JPY, tax not included)
Without color pages

  w/o cover (1-4 pages) w/o cover (5-6 pages) w/o cover (7-8pages)
50copies 6.000 8,000 10,000
100copies 10,000 12,000 14,000
150copies 14,000 16,000 18,000
200copies 18,000 20,000 22,000

4.000 JPY for extra 50 copies.

Color Pages
30,000 JPY / Color page (tax not included) will be added.

Cover (optional): Please specify by filling in the Page Charge Form.
10,000 JPY (tax not included)

International Shipping Charge will be added for overseas delivery.

Printed Issue (optional)

Printed issues can be purchased. Please specify by filling in the Publication Charge Form.
3,000 JPY /Copy (tax not included)
International Shipping Charge will be added for overseas delivery.

Bank Transfer Charge

Bank transfer charge should be paid by the author.

International Shipping Charge

If the author purchases the printed issue and/or the reprints from outside Japan, international shipping charge will be added.
International Shipping Charge: 3,000 JPY (exempt from tax)


If the author does not pay the publication charge, the paper may be deleted from the journal.