login contact


Manuscript Submission

Online manuscript submission to Transactions of MRS-J

System Name

SCHOLARONE™ Manuscripts(English version)


 SCHOLARONE™ Manuscripts login page

Support desk for Transactions of MRS-J

Email : [email protected]


If you do not have your account, please create one to submit your manuscript by clicking "Register here" on the right side of the login page.

Your account may have been created by MRS-J headquarter for MRS-J members and those who attended the annual meetings and you will be informed as “The primary email address already exists in the system. If this email address is correct, please check to see if you already have an account.”

In this case, please reset your password via Password Help, login and update your profile before submitting your manuscript.

Support Desk for SCHOLARONE™ Manuscripts

Kyorinsha (Representative office for Thomson Reuters)
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 03-3910-4517 (9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)