E : Material innovation against harsh environments in high temperature
~ Material Science for ceramics and ceramics matrix composites~


・ Dr. Kazuya Shimoda NIMS
・ Prof. Sosuke Kondo Tohoku university [email protected]
・ Dr. Hirokazu Katsui AIST [email protected]
・ Prof. Akihiko Ito Yokohama National University
・ Prof. Kiyohiro Yabuuchi Kyoto University
・ Dr. Gaku Okuma NIMS


The R&D of high temperature materials that can operate at high efficiency has become the key technology to realize both " decarbonization" and "enhanced energy security" all over the world. In particular, the R&D of high temperature materials in aerospace and advanced energy fields are going to focus on the excellent resistance against high temperature oxidation and corrosion, such as water, steam, and volcanic ash, and so on. In this symposium, we expect contributions of research output (shaping, coating, measurement, and evaluation) in a harsh environmental. Research on a wide variety of applications is also welcome.


1. Shaping and evaluation of ceramics and ceramic matrix composites
2. Correlation between structure and performacne
3. Evaluation method at high temperature
4. Non-contact and -destructive measurment
5. High temperature oxidation and corrosion
6. Environmental barrier coatings