D : New features of exotic ferroelectric and polar materials


・ Prof. Yoichi Okimoto Tokyo Institute of Technology
・ Prof. Yoichi Okimoto Tokyo Institute of Technology [email protected]


Ferroelectrics with a polar structure and the ability to invert their direction by the external electrical field have become an important research topic in materials science driven by the various unique applications. With this respect, many interesting exotic ferroelectrics and polar materials have been developed in recent years. Some examples of them are electronic ferroelectrics, in which polarity occurs by the ordering of transition metal ions, and hydrogen-bonded ferroelectrics caused by proton ordering, in which novel ferroelectric properties are demonstrated, different from those in conventional ferroelectrics. In this symposium, we cover a wide range of polar materials such as inorganic oxides and organic complexes, discuss their novel functions (for example, new magnetic transition, optical switch, photovoltaics, multiferroic properties and so on), revealing new directions for future ferroelectric research.


1.Exotic ferroelectrics
2.Exotic polar materials
3.Photonic control of polarity
4.Photovoltaic effect and shift current