Symposia & Program

F-3 : Frontier of Smart-interfaces


Prof. Yoshiko Miura Kyushu University
Prof. Toshiki Sawada Tokyo Institute of Technology [email protected]
Prof. Keiichiro Kushiro University of Tokyo [email protected]
Prof. Yu Hoshino Kyushu University [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Mizuo Maeda RIKEN
Prof. Yukio Nagasaki Tukuba University
Prof. Madoka Takai University of Tokyo
Prof. Atsushi Takahara Kyushu University
Dr. Ryo Ishihara Juntendo University
Prof. Yasuhiko Iwasaki Kansai University
Prof. Syuji Fujii Osaka Institute of Technology
Prof. Michinari Koori Chiba University
Prof. Takeshi Serizawa Tokyo Insitute of Technology
Dr. Yukiya Kitayama Kobe University
Prof. Akihiko Kikuchi Tokyo University of Science
Prof. Daisuke Suzuki Shinshu University
Prof. Yamamoto Takuya Hokkaido University
Prof. Keitaro Yoshimoto The University of Tokyo
Prof. Akihiro Kishimura Kyushu University
Dr. Yuji Higaki Kyushu University
Prof. Dr. Jun Nakanishi National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Dr. Hironobu Takahashi Tokyo Women's Medical University
Dr. Hirobumi Shibata Chiba Institute of Technology
Dr. Tatsuo Aikawa  Tokyo University of Science
Prof. kazuaki Matsumura Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Prof. Shin-ichi Yusa University of Hyogo
Prof. Tadashi Nakaji University of Toyama
Publication Organizer
Prof. Yoshiko Miura Kyushu University
Prof. Toshiki Sawada Tokyo Institute of Technology
Prof. Keiichirou Kushiro University of Tokyo
Prof. Yu Hoshino Kyushu University


The structures of interfaces formed from soft materials such as polymers, biomolecules, colloids, and liquid crystals show dynamic properties whose structure and properties changed dramatically due to the changes in the external environment. DeGennes named this dynamic interface as “soft interface” about 20 years ago. Because of this dynamic characteristic and the complexity that living organisms build, soft interfaces are difficult to quantitatively analyze and are a frontier academic field where many challenges remain. In recent years, scientific and technological advances relating to synthesis and analysis of materials are remarkable, and researchers working on elucidation of soft interfaces and material development making use of them are increasing with various approaches. For example, the soft interface structure has reported to be important influences on interface properties, biocompatibility, and device performance. It is expected that new viewpoints and academics will be born by integrating ideas on soft interfaces from various fields such as molecular design, synthesis, molecular recognition, biomaterial development, measurement method development, and simulation,. In this symposium, we aim to promote research on soft interfaces, encourage research by expanding young researcher-centered lectures, and expand the network among researchers.


