Program Change/Errata

Symposium before the change after the change
A-1 A1-P20-12
Dec. 20 10:00-11:50
Dowoo GWAK
(Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
Dec. 19 16:10-18:00
Dowoo GWAK
(Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
A-1 A1-O20-009
Dec. 20 15:35-15:50
Mamoru SENNA (Keio University)
F-9 F9-O20-009
Dec. 20 16:30-16:45
Rajdeep Singh PAYAL (Nagoya University)
Program Book
Poster Session schedule
Dec.19 10:00-12:00
Dec.20 10:00-12:00
Dec.19 10:00-11:50
Dec.20 10:00-11:50