Symposia & Program

A-2 : Functional properties emergent from unusual spin structure in materials


Prof. Hiroyuki Yoshida Hokkaido University
Prof. Hiroyuki Yoshida Hokkaido University [email protected]
Prof. Kazunari Yamaura NIMS
Prof. Yoshihiro Tsujimoto NIMS
Publication Organizer
Prof. Hiroyuki Yoshida Hokkaido University


Spin is one of the fundamental degrees of freedom of electron, and human being have utilized a magnet from ancient days in which the spin degree of freedom emerges as a macroscopic functionality. Recently, understanding of magnetic frustration, spin-orbit coupling effect, and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction in the transition metal oxides and alloys have been intensively progressed to provide new concepts relates to the spin degree of freedom such as a spin liquid state, a multi-polar ordering, a skyrmion as a topological excitation, and an electro-magnetic effect, etc. These new phenomena deduce the novel functionality of materials. Using magnetic excitations in the spin liquid state as non-dissipative careers for spintronics devices, utilizing topological skyrmions to high-efficiency devices, and developing magnetic refrigeration materials by the external controlling entropics, are one of the examples of attractive functionalities that are emerged based on the unusual spin texture. The studies of magnetism and magnetic materials, therefore, shift to the next phase to aim the understanding and controlling the variety of magnetic phenomena and functionalities originated from the unusual spin texture. In this symposium, we intensively discussed the recent progress about the unusual spin structure and its emergent properties from the view points of the new materials searching, the developing anew research techniques, and the evaluation of novel functionalities.


1. Magnetic materials including transition metal element
2. Unusual spin texture emergent from magnetic frustration
3. Spin structure induced by strong spin-orbit coupling
4. Topology of spin structure
5. Entropics by controlling the unusual spin structure