


「Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan」休刊のご案内

平素より日本MRSの定期刊行ジャーナル「Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan」をご愛読頂き、誠にありがとうございます。
「Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan」は 1990年発行以来、日本MRSの定期刊行原著論文誌として材料科学技術に関する最新の情報を発信してまいりました。
 今後は、日本MRS年次大会奨励賞受賞者のダイジェスト論文を「MRS-J Bulletin」としてオンライン刊行し、日本MRS会員の皆様へ配信する予定でございます。


日本MRS 出版事務局



J-Stage にて公開しています。



20th Special Issue

Vol.33 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,7-9, 2007

Vol.33 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,7-9, 2007

Vol.33 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,7-9, 2007

Vol.33 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Doc,7-9, 2007

Vol.32 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,8-10, 2006

Vol.32 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,8-10, 2006

Vol.32 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,8-10, 2006

Vol.32 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,8-10, 2006

Vol.31 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,9-10,2005

Vol.31 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,9-10,2005

Vol.31 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec,9-10,2005

Vol.31 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.9-11,2005

Vol.30 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.23-24,2004

Vol.30 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.23-24,2004

Vol.30 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.23-24,2004

Vol.30 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.23-24,2004

Vol.29 No.8

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM2003

Vol.29 No.7

Proceedings of the Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM2003

Vol.29 No.6

Proceedings of the Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM2003

Vol.29 No.5

Proceedings of the Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM2003

Vol.29 No.4

Proceedings of the Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM2003

Vol.29 No.3

Proceedings of the Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM2003

Vol.29 No.2

Proceedings of the Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM2003

Vol.29 No.1

Proceedings of the Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM2003

Vol.28 Special Issue

A Workshop on New Opportunities in the Areas of the Nano-Structure of Thin Films and Buried Interfaces:Advanced Characterization Using X-Rays and Neutrons

Vol.28 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.20-21,2002

Vol.28 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.20-21,2002

Vol.28 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.20-21,2002

Vol.28 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.20-21,2002

Vol.27 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.20-21,2001

Vol.27 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.20-21,2001

Vol.27 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.20-21,2001

Vol.27 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.20-21,2001

Vol.26 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.7-8,2000

Vol.26 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.7-8,2000

Vol.26 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.7-8,2000

Vol,26 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.7-8,2000

Vol.25 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.16-17,1999

Vol.25 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.16-17,1999

Vol.25 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.16-17,1999

Vol.25 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.16-17,1999

Vol.24 No.4

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.10-11,1998

Vol.24 No.3

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.10-11,1998

Vol.24 No.2

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.10-11,1998

Vol.24 No.1

Regular Papers and Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J,Dec.10-11,1998


(no sub-title)


Symposium on Photonics Organic Materials and Devices


Missing number


Joint Proceedings of the Symposia of MRS-J.,May 22-24.1996


Frontiers in Materials Science and Engineering


Superconductors, Surfaces and Superlattices


Shape Memory Materials and Hydrides




Laser and Ion Beam Modification of Materials


Compsites, Grain Boundaries and Nanophase Materials


Computations, Glassy Materials, Microgravity and Non-Destructive Testing


Information Storage Materials


Biomaterials, Organic and Intelligent Materials


Magnetic, Fullerence, Dielectric, Ferroelectric, Diamond and Related Materials


Ceramics, Powders, Corrosion and Advanced Processing


Symposium on Aluminum Based Composites, Zirconia Ceramics and Advanced Materials


Symposium on Zirconia Ceramics, Advanced Materials and Precision Machining


Symposium on Ceramics


Symposium on Aluminum and Al-compounds


Symposium on the Development of Opto-bio Materials, Symposium on Hydrothermal Materials

Vol. 9

Materials Design cy Computers

Vol. 8

The Third International Symposium on Structural Imperfections in SiO2-based Amorphous Materials

Vol. 7

Symposium on Advanced Materials

Vol. 6

Symposium on Zirconia Ceramics

Vol. 5

Symposium on Forming and Binders

Vol. 4

Symposium on the Reliability and Lifetime Prediction of Engineering Ceramics

Vol. 3

Symposium on Aluminum Nitride

Vol. 2

Symposium on Innovations in Basic Science into the 21st Century - A Renaissance for Materials Science

Vol. 1

no sub-title


J-STAGEは、独立行政法人科学技術振興機構 (JST) が構築した日本国内の科学技術情報関係の電子ジャーナル発行を支援するシステムです。
電子ジャーナル出版に必要なハードウェア・ソフトウェアを JST 内に用意し、24 時間年中無休で運用をおこないます。