Aims of the Meeting

Materials science is a crucial field that underpins all industries, including ones like quantum computing, medicine, agriculture, energy, and the environment. With the recent trends of digital and green transformations, materials science is expected to play a significant role in developing sustainable materials and creating new functional materials. This conference aims to bring together experts from different fields to discuss the latest research activities in materials science. The discussion will delve into the basic science and science for creating material innovation. It will also aim to lead to the development of science that contributes to material recycling, and the creation of innovative materials and processes that address global-scale issues.


1 Oct.,2024
The program has been published on the symposium program page and My Page.
30 Sep., 2024
Early bird registration has been finished.
1 Sep.,2024
Notification of acceptance has been released.
1 Sep.,2024
Online Registration has been started.Early bird registration deadline 30 Sep., 2024.
10 Aug.,2024
Abstract submission has finished.
29 July 2024
Deadline of abstract submission has been extended to 15:00JST on Aug. 10.
1 Jun.,2024
Abstract Submission has started.
18 Mar.,2024
Web site open.