Symposia & Program

K : Frontier of Smart-interfaces


Prof. Syuji Fujii Osaka Institute of Technology
Dr. Yukiya Kitayama Osaka Prefecture University [email protected]
Prof. Yuji Higaki Oita University [email protected]
Prof. Yukio Nagasaki Tukuba University
Prof. Madoka Takai University of Tokyo
Prof. Akihiko Kikuchi Tokyo University of Science
Prof. Yoshiko Miura Kyushu University
Prof. Takeshi Serizawa Tokyo Insitute of Technology
Prof. Yasuhiko Iwasaki Kansai University
Prof. Yu Hoshino Kyushu University
Prof. Daisuke Suzuki Shinshu University
Prof. Takuya Yamamoto Hokkaido University
Prof. Shin-ichi Yusa University of Hyogo
Prof. Michinari Kohri Chiba University
Prof. Keitaro Yoshimoto The University of Tokyo
Prof. Akihiro Kishimura Kyushu University
Prof. kazuaki Matsumura Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Dr. Hironobu Takahashi Tokyo Women's Medical University
Dr. Hirobumi Shibata Chiba Institute of Technology
Prof. Tadashi Nakaji University of Toyama
Dr. Toshiki Sawada Tokyo Institute of Technology
Dr. Ryo Ishihara Juntendo University
Prof. Jun Nakanishi National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Prof. Masao Kamimura Tokyo University of Science
Dr. Shunsuke Tomita National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Dr. Keiichi Imato Hiroshima University


The interfaces produced by soft materials such as polymers, biomolecules, colloids, and liquid crystals exhibit dynamic physical properties, and their structure and properties significantly depend on the external environment. DeGennes named this dynamic interface "soft interface". Quantitative analysis of soft interfaces is difficult due to the dynamic nature and complexity of living organisms, thereby the “soft interface” is yet a frontier field of science where many challenges remain. Since the progress of science and technology related to new materials and analysis has been remarkable, the emergence of new soft interfaces, new insights of soft interfaces, and development of new technology under the understanding of them remains very active. Thus, it is expected that new academic disciplines will be emerged by broadening the scope of soft interfaces in various aspects such as molecular design, material synthesis, molecular recognition, biomaterial development, measurement method development, and simulation. In this symposium, we will promote soft interface research and aim to stimulate research and expand networks among researchers through lectures by young researchers in addition to top scientists.




MDPI International Journal of Molecular Sciences
MEXT KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Area (A) Biophysical Chemistry for Material Symniosis
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM)