シンポジウム & プログラム

C-4 先端プラズマ技術が拓くナノマテリアルズフロンティア


・ 林 信哉 九州大学
・ 白谷 正治 九州大学 [email protected]
・ 石川 健治 名古屋大学
・ 井上 泰志 千葉工業大学
・ 金子 俊郎 東北大学
・ 金 載浩 産総研
・ 白谷 正治 九州大学
・ 節原 裕一 大阪大学
・ 寺嶋 和夫 東京大学
・ 林 信哉 九州大学
・ 荻野 明久 静岡大学
・ 古閑 一憲 九州大学


Plasma process is a key technology for synthesis of functional nanomaterials, which can evolve into industrial platforms for nanodevice fabrication technologies including bio-inspired nano processes. In addition to a variety of conventional plasma processes, much attention has been paid to novel plasma technologies including tmospheric-pressure non-thermal plasmas, which have been actively studied for applications to surface modifications and ultra-high-rate fabrication of functional nanomaterials. Major objective of this session is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for scientists and engineers in research areas including plasma technologies and nanomaterials to enhance discussions on latest achievements and challenges on the frontier of nanomaterials fabrications based on advanced plasma technologies; characterization and control of subsurface reactions in the advanced plasma processes, synthesis of novel nanomaterials, nanostructure control of materials and novel functionality of nanomaterials.


1. Advanced Plasma Processes for Green Nanotechnologies
2. Functional Nanomaterials Fabrications and Nanostructure Control
3. Plasma Processes for Energy and Environmental Applications
4. Plasma Medicine and Bio-Inspired Nano Processes
5. Advanced Plasmas & Surface Diagnostics
6. Deposition Processes
7. Etching Processes
8. Simulation and Database