Polarization related ferroic properties and new functional materials |
Entry No | Keynote/ Invited |
Presentation | Date | Time to start |
Time to finish |
Award | Presenter Name | Affiliation | Paper Title |
Dec. 19 13:00 - 15:15 横浜情報文化センター 大会議室 / Yokohama Media & Communications Center, Meeting Room L |
Chair : 樋口 透 (東京理科大学) Tohru HIGUCHI (Tokyo University of Science) |
2635 | Invited | A2-I19-001 | Dec. 19 | 13:00 | 13:30 | *G | Masaki KOBAYASHI | Photon Factory, Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan | Novel Metallic Quantum Well States in Strongly Correlated Oxide SrVO3 |
2176 | A2-O19-002 | Dec. 19 | 13:30 | 13:45 | *D | Atsuhiro KOTANI | Osaka Prefecture University | Magnetic bubbles and magnetic anisotropy in La1-xSrxMnO3 | |
2076 | A2-O19-003 | Dec. 19 | 13:45 | 14:00 | *G | Takashi TSUCHIYA | National Institute for Materials Science | Oxygen-Tolerant Operation of Nanoionic Device: Advantage of All-Solid-State Structure | |
2008 | A2-O19-004 | Dec. 19 | 14:00 | 14:15 | *M | Kinya KAWAMURA | Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science | Pulse-reacted Long-term and Short-term Memorization of Pt/TiO2-δ/Pt Cross-point Structure with Electron-ion Mixed Conduction | |
Chair : 大和田 謙二 (量子科学技術研究開発機構) Kenji OHWADA (QST) |
2614 | Invited | A2-I19-005 | Dec. 19 | 14:15 | 14:45 | Ryuji TAMURA | Department of Materials Science & Technology, Tokyo University of Science | Novel Order-Disorder Transition in the Cd6R-Type Compounds | |
2024 | A2-O19-006 | Dec. 19 | 14:45 | 15:00 | Yasuhiro YONEDA | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Local Structure Analysis of ZrN and (Dy,Zr)N as Surrogate Materials for Fast Reactor Nitride Fuel | ||
2009 | A2-O19-007 | Dec. 19 | 15:00 | 15:15 | *B | Makoto TAKAYANAGI | Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science | Band Structure and Proton Conduction of YSZ Thin Film at Intermediate Temperature Region | |
Dec. 20 9:30 - 11:45 横浜情報文化センター 大会議室 / Yokohama Media & Communications Center, Meeting Room L |
Chair : 米田 安宏 (日本原子力研究開発機構) Yasuhiro YONEDA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) |
2687 | Invited | A2-I20-001 | Dec. 20 | 09:30 | 10:00 | Kazumichi NAMIKAWA | Tokyo Gakugei University | Self Assembly of Oblique 90° Stripe Polarization domains | |
2688 | A2-O20-002 | Dec. 20 | 10:00 | 10:15 | Kenji OHWADA | National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology | X-ray diffraction study of domain boundaries in the tetragonal BaTiO3 | ||
2608 | A2-O20-003 | Dec. 20 | 10:15 | 10:30 | Shinya TSUKADA | Faculty of Education, Shimane University | Inhomogeneity and macroscopic properties of BaTi2O5 | ||
Chair : 中嶋 誠二 (兵庫県立大学) Seiji NAKASHIMA (Unversity of Hyogo) |
2506 | Invited | A2-I20-004 | Dec. 20 | 10:30 | 11:00 | Tomoaki YAMADA | Nagoya University/PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency | Impact of Charge Screening on Domain Structure in Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Nanorods | |
2404 | A2-O20-005 | Dec. 20 | 11:00 | 11:15 | *G | Shintaro UENO | University of Yamanashi | Microstructural design of Conductor/Insulator Composite Materials for High-Capacitance Capacitors | |
2136 | A2-O20-006 | Dec. 20 | 11:15 | 11:30 | *D | Yumi YOSHIKAWA | Okayama University | Ferroelectric Artificial SEIs for Lithium Ion Batteries with Ultra High-Rate Capability | |
2660 | A2-O20-007 | Dec. 20 | 11:30 | 11:45 | *G | Yoichiro HASHIZUME | Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science | Applying a geometrical theory of thermodynamics to a study of dielectric loss |